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Academical Research

I’ve worked in several research projects both for Los Andes University, as part of the COLIVRI Image and Visualization Laboratory, and as part of the research team of the Konrad Lorenz University.

Jumpcamp. An initiative of the Software Engineering department in Los Andes University, it was a nation-wide educational program in videogame development. With the collaboration of several other universities and the Vive Lab governmental office, a huge course on the fundamentals of videogame programming, design, art and bussines making was given to de colombian population without cost.


I was part of the administrative team of the event, behind the creation and administration of the web portal and web tools that supported the event and some other administrative tasks.

Free software. Several projects focused in videogame and multimedia developments using a diverse set of free software, both commercial and local made. The projects were meant to test various aspects of the software, like ease of use, availability, scalability and correctness, in comparison to licensed software.


Some examples can be: a study on a MOCAP service for independent videogame developers, provided by the SENA institute in Colombia, and a research in different ways of using the LEAP system in 3D movement and Navigation. Research papers for these works can be consulted visiting my ResearchGate portal.

Device. A web - based event organized by Los Andes University that resembles a Game Jam. The main idea was to gather as many people as possible for a quick videogame jam. The event provided a lot of guides and tutorials on different elements of videogame development and the web platform created for it helped in the process on forming random groups, providing communication tools and showcasing the work of the participants.


Six different versions of the event took place, which result in over 20 videogames and prototypes.

The event doesn’t run anymore, but the showcase of projects and the learning material is still available here.

Gamification. My current research work. The objective is to gamify the Introduction to Mathematics course of the mathematics program of the Konrad Lorenz University. The course has a high rate of mortality, both academically and because of drop-out. A gamification approach could offer the tools in order to tackle this problem.


The project is still in design phase, and the main goal right now is to design a pedagogical process that allows the game elements to be used and also does not enter in conflict with the Institution’s politics.


More information about the progress of the work will be posted here in the future.

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